General Information
Excused Withdrawal (EW) shall not be counted in progress probation or dismissal calculations nor shall it be counted towards the permitted number of withdrawals or counted as an enrollment attempt. An EW is acceptable when a student withdraws from a course due to reasons beyond their control and must be supported by verifiable documentation. Effective on or after January 2018, grade changes may be requested by the student no more than three (3) years after the term in which the grade was awarded, per VCCCD AP 4231. Grade changes for terms prior to January 2018 cannot be considered. A change of academic grade to Excused Withdrawal (EW) will be recorded only after this petition has been completed, determined to meet the requirements of the policies of the VCCCD, and approved. We recommend you contact your Counseling Office, Financial Aid Office, Transfer Office or other programs in which you are enrolled (ex: CalWorks, EOPS, Veterans, etc.) to better understand the potential consequences for requesting an Excused Withdrawal.
- Use this petition when you have not dropped the class, or you have a W in the class and you wish to withdraw due to circumstances beyond your control.
- If approved, a notation of EW will appear on your transcript instead of a letter grade or W.
What does it mean to receive an Excused Withdrawal (EW)?
• An EW grade will not affect your GPA and will not count as an attempt.
• An EW grade will not affect your academic progress status.
• An EW will not be eligible for a refund.
• Students receiving Financial Aid should contact the financial aid office regarding the impact an Excused Withdrawal may have on their financial aid, depending on the circumstances, prior to submitting this request.
• An EW grade may affect other benefits such as GI Bill® benefits. (Contact requisite VA offices, etc. for more information).
• If you are a member of a special program such as CalWORKS, EOPS, Veterans, etc. Please contact your program office.